Thursday, October 2, 2008

Camphor essential oil for acne

« ...The doctors and acne companies will deny this, and point to an unscientific experiment conducted in the 70's as "proof" that diet doesn't affect acne. However, this experiment was deeply flawed, and subsequent experiments are proving that food can be your acne cure......
...Proper diet and regular exercise likewise do well to your skin and your general health and well being. This is a good way to survive teenage life and avoid teenage acne....»
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«...These tiny fibers are woven together to create a fabric with phenomenal exfoliating and cleansing capacity, a fabric that creates a positive charge, attracting and binding to it negatively changed oil, dirt and dead skin particles, eliminating the very environment that encourages skin infection. Microfiber cloth is able to accumulate and absorb more particles of dirt, bacteria and sebaceous fluids than any other known fabric....»
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tags: homeopathy acne help, skin care product, how to treat back acne and scars

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